On 24 February 2023, SCIAHK and SCIA were invited to visit the Department of Justice of the Government of the HKSAR. The delegation led by Mr. Xiaochun Liu, Executive Chairman SCIAHK, President of SCIA, had discussions and exchanges with Mr. Paul T.K. Lam, Secretary for Justice, Mr. Cheung Kwok-kwan, Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr. Tavares Clifford, Principal Government Counsel of Legal Enhancement and Development Office, Ms. Venus Cheung, Deputy Principal Government Counsel (Ag.) of Legal Enhancement and Development Office and other officials. The two parties reviewed the achievements of international arbitration cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong in the past 40 years and reached consensus on the next step of promoting "Shenzhen+Hong Kong" to build a global international arbitration highland.
Posted on 28 February 2023